Snowy West Chester Couples Session

Winter can be such a tricky time of the year for sessions.  Most of us want beautiful snowy pictures but timing that can be nearly impossible!  You have to have enough fresh snow falling that things look covered, not too much snow that it is dangerous to travel, it can’t be too far after the storm or things start to look dirty or trampled through..oh and not to mention the flexibility that allows you to shoot whenever the next best storm approaches!
I feel like Nicole and I have been trying to make snow pictures happen for the last few years, and this year our wish finally came true!  A few perfectly fluffy inches fell on a Friday evening and all four of us just so happened to be free for a few hours the next morning, so naturally Nicole and I jumped at the opportunity and our guys humored our request and joined us in the cold.
Whenever I get these two in front on the camera, my squeals go off the charts.  This time was bad though guys, I think all of West Chester heard all of my crazy noises of excitement.  But just look at these two for yourself and you will see exactly why!  They are so full of joy and nose crinkling smiles and gosh we just love them to pieces!

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